Leet Liker V1.0 Apk Free Download (Latest) For Android

  •  download the Leet Liker from the given link and install it on your device Leet Liker v1.0 APK Free Download (Latest) for Android

    1. First, download the Leet Liker from the given link and install it on your device.
    2. If you are getting installation error on the phone, then you should make some changes in the phone setting.
    3. Tap the setting of the phone, tap the security setting and check the unknown sources button.
    4. Now, try to install this application once again, there will be no error now.
    5. After installing this application on your device, restart your device once.
    6. Then, log into your Facebook account via Leet Liker. It will ask you to give some permission, all the permission it is just like a protocol, nothing worry about it.
    7. Now, if you have not changed the profile setting of the Facebook, then change it to the public. Because, if you have not changed the setting, no likes will be added to your account.
    8. Now, when you logged into your device, you will see different tabs, one for the auto likes, auto followerand one for the auto comment. You choose the one which you want to get.
    9. Now, when you will submit the picture to want the likes, after submitting the picture. You will see a huge amount of impressions has been added.
    10. Do not be so greedy, and try to get the impressions after fifteen minutes of the first submission.
  • Download Leet Liker app APK file from the link below, tap the download button below and get the file. If the link is not working or showing some errors, comment down in the section.


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